The WDR mediagroup at Frankfurter Buchmesse
It’s that time of the year again—the international book fair will be opening its doors for the 75th time at the exhibition grounds in Frankfurt from October 18 to 22, and we look forward to attending once again. In addition to our much-loved classics, we will be taking some exciting new licensing topics with us.

We are excited about the German broadcasting premiere of the preschool series “The Little Prince and Friends” on the KiKA channel. The series based on the timeless masterpiece created by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has already been launched with great success in a number of countries.
Our portfolio now also includes another cult brand produced by Aardman—“Wallace & Gromit” will henceforth be marketed in the German-speaking world by the WDR mediagroup. Make use of this popular classic to successfully market your products.
We look forward to in-depth conversations, new ideas, and engaging with the rights and licensing sector.